Explaining Programming Languages Slander - Programming Languages Slander - Programmers Explaining Slander Part 1 Watch Other Slander Videos : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTujqraLmTc0qW5XshNJBbWxjvtnkOpJj Watch Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rhr_NVPH5c POV : Your loop wasn't working, So you made it infinite and now it works Python developers learning other languages Newbies after learning HTML I am a programmer now. PHP users when you say "PHP Sucks" Developers after finding the right answer on Stack Overflow. CSS devs trying not to position everything absolute. Developers, if Stack Overflow goes down. JS devs explaining why 10 + "1" = 101 & 10 - '1'= 9 Object Oriented Programmers trying not to make everything an object Meanwhile, Choosing a Javascript Framwork be like : Beginners learning C C++ pogrammers when they find memory leaks Developers after installing 500+ VS code extensions. Frontend and backend devs blaming each other. When you ditch programming and switch to WordPress.